6 Colour Schemes I Love


Colour schemes can be REALLY inspiring. Sometimes an entire design I make just starts with a single colour scheme. I fall in love with it, I get inspired, and the whole design is focused around it from the beginning. So I thought I’d share a few of my favourite colour schemes at the moment. 🙂

Leaf Palette

Leaf Palette 2

Zinnias Hues

Zinnias Hues

Nature Tones

Nature Tones

Autumn Dew

Autumn Dew

This is actually the colour scheme that inspired the Eliza theme. I didn’t end up using all the colours and I did adjust them a little, but the entire theme started when I saw this colour scheme!

Flora Tones

Flora Tones

Feathered Hues

Feathered Hues

Okay I saved the best for last (sort of… I mean, it was in the header). I am ADDICTED to this colour scheme right now. I don’t quite know how to use it, but I have this incredibly strong obsession with it, and I’m afraid it won’t end until I design SOMETHING around it. Now I just need to put the pieces together…

Go check out design-seeds.com and share your favourite colour scheme!

Photo of Ashley
I'm a 30-something California girl living in England (I fell in love with a Brit!). My three great passions are: books, coding, and fitness. more »

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  1. I love love love color schemes and mood boards! My favorite of these is probably autumn dew. I also really like the ones that use different textures like foil.
    My favorite part of (fashion) design school was putting together a color scheme.
    Have you checked out Salted Ink? She does blog branding and has the prettiest mood boards and color schemes. http://saltedink.com/blog/

    Nereyda @Mostly YA Book Obsessed recently posted: Review: The Weight of Destiny by Nyrae Dawn!
  2. Love autumn dew and leaf palette! In general, I like any color scheme that subdues bright colors with either greys or browns. I definitely tend towards simple schemes with a bright color, a grey, and white. I think 3 of my blogs have that combo lol. I have been wanting to add another brighter accent color to my book blog though.

    Brittany recently posted: #BookBlogWriMo Day 19 – TBR Books

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