Whenever you read a post on how to write your about page, the person usually talks about how your about page isn’t about you. Instead, they say the page is your opportunity to connect with the reader and describe how you can help them. To […]
Category: Blogging
Give Me Your Whole Blog Post or I’m Unsubscribing
I hate it when I subscribe to a blog via email, then I start getting excerpts in my inbox. Excerpts to blog posts with a “read more” link. Or sometimes just a link saying, “I have a new post about x! Click here to read!” […]
Making Money from Your Book Blog – This is NOT Something to be Ashamed Of
Why are book bloggers free marketers? Companies hire marketers. They have entire marketing departments. These marketers promote the book, generate hype, and help sales. These marketers get paid (sometimes quite well). Why do book bloggers do this same job… for free? Is it because we […]
This Whole “Post Constantly to be a Successful Blogger” Thing is Bullshit
For the sake of this blog post, I’m defining “success” as having more traffic/engagement. The point of this blog post isn’t to debate whether or not that’s what “blogger success” actually is, so let’s not get into that. 😉 I’m posting less than ever (and […]
What the Hell is a “Quality Blog Post”?
There’s a lot of talk about “quality blog posts”. People say things like: Create quality content! The key to success is to have high quality blog posts. My traffic really started to grow when I published quality content. But what the hell is quality content? […]
Boost Blog Comment Interaction With Reply Notifications
I’m always massively disappointed when I comment on a FANTASTIC blog post, just to find out they don’t email me when they reply to my comment. I LIKE starting a conversation. I LIKE seeing how you respond to my comment. I LIKE being able to […]
How to Choose Your WordPress Web Host
If you’re moving from Blogger to WordPress or just considering changing hosts, it’s important to carefully consider your host before choosing. Web hosts are generally split into two categories. There are a lot more than two categories if you want to get super specific, but […]
Ridiculously Simple SEO to Take Your Blog to the Top
Let’s talk about SEO. Not the super technical bits, because those are confusing. Let’s talk about what it really is so you can actually understand what the hell is going on. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. But maybe you already know that. What you […]
Protect the WordPress Admin Area with htpasswd
I receive an awesome WordPress security question from Shannelle: Ashley! You’ve mentioned that you got to do a login page to access the real login page, and I was wondering, how did you do that? I’m being bothered by so many emails about people trying […]
Do I Need to ‘Find a Niche’ for My Blog?
Say hello to Amanda! This is a guest post written by the lovely Amanda from Nellie and Co. She’s a blogger who loves books, blogging, and Blogspot. (For more about her, check the end of the post when you’re done reading. 😉 ) When blogs […]