It’s time for another interview with a web designer! Today we have Christin Thomas from Studio CT here to chat with us. Ashley Hi Christin! Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Christin Hi Ashley. First let me just say thank you […]
Category: Design
Designer Interview: Parajunkee
I’m pleased to welcome Rachel from Parajunkee on the blog today. We’re going to learn all about her design business and processes! Ashley Hi Rachel! Thanks for stopping by today. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Rachel Hey Ashley, I’m Rachel, I […]
Designer Interview: Stephanie from New Chapter Designs
I’m very pleased to welcome Stephanie from New Chapter Designs today! She’s the next wonderful victim designer in the designer interview series. Ashley Hiya Stephanie! Tell us a bit about yourself. Stephanie Hi Ashley! Well, I blog about books, with my sister, at These Paper […]
Designer Interview: Anna Marie Moore
Hey all! I’m really excited to continue the designer interview series! Today we have Anna from Anna Marie Moore Designs. Ashley Hiya Anna! Tell us a bit about yourself. Anna Hi Ashley! I am a Florida native who moved last year to Memphis, TN. I […]
Designer Interview: Hazel from Stay Bookish
I’m really excited to share a brand new designer interview series with you guys! I have a couple interviews with designers lined up and hopefully more are on the way. I’ve chosen a few designers in the book blogging community and we’re going to […]
6 Colour Schemes I Love
Colour schemes can be REALLY inspiring. Sometimes an entire design I make just starts with a single colour scheme. I fall in love with it, I get inspired, and the whole design is focused around it from the beginning. So I thought I’d share a […]
Are You Allowed to Use Modified Social Media Icons?
Here’s a great question that I received recently: Is it true that custom-made social media icons that match the blog is infringing on copyright laws? I see so many use them but reading Facebook & Twitter’s terms it sounds like it’s illegal to change the […]
How to Find Your Own Design Style
Hey there, I’ve been interested in Graphic Design and blogging for a while now and have even downloaded Photoshop. But I feel like I can’t really be original enough, everything I do is either inspired or adapted in some form. How did you start off […]
Free “Verdict” Rating Graphics
At the end of my book reviews I show a “Verdict Image”, which is kind of my rating in words rather than stars. I use words like “Loved It”, “Liked It”, etc. I thought I’d compile a bunch of free verdict images for other reviewers […]
Gorgeous Themes are Everywhere!
I’m really excited to share not one, but two gorgeous new pre-made WordPress themes! Both of these excite the socks off of me. Eliza I’m not even sure how best to convey my excitement for Eliza. I had so much fun with this theme that […]