About the Book
Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott
Published by: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: January 28th 2014
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
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Does life go on when your heart is broken?
Since her mother’s sudden death, Emma has existed in a fog of grief, unable to let go, unable to move forward—because her mother is, in a way, still there. She’s being kept alive on machines for the sake of the baby growing inside her.
Estranged from her stepfather and letting go of things that no longer seem important—grades, crushes, college plans—Emma has only her best friend to remind her to breathe. Until she meets a boy with a bad reputation who sparks something in her—Caleb Harrison, whose anger and loss might just match Emma’s own. Feeling her own heart beat again wakes Emma from the grief that has grayed her existence. Is there hope for life after death—and maybe, for love?
First of all, Heartbeat comes out on my birthday! I always get a bit of a thrill when books are released on my birthday. It makes me feel like IT’S A SIGN and the book is meant for me or something.
But also, this book sounds so incredibly emotional and intense! I love those books that just drown you in emotion. To whoever wins the giveaway: I hope you adore the book!
About Elizabeth Scott
ELIZABETH SCOTT grew up in a town so small it didn’t even have a post office, though it did boast an impressive cattle population. She’s sold hardware and panty hose and had a memorable three-day stint in the dot-com industry, where she learned that she really didn’t want a career burning CDs. She lives just outside Washington, D.C., with her husband, and firmly believes you can never own too many books.
Sounds good, thanks for the giveaway
I just read Me Since You by Laura Weiss and I actually cried multiple times because it was so emotional. This book sounds exactly like that and I love those books that really make you feel emotional stuff. <33
OHMYGOD Me Since You!! I get teary just thinking about it..
I love Elizabeth Scott! Plus it sounds like my kind of book!