Whether you’re interested in starting a blog or launching a new product, there’s often the fear that you’re too late to the game.
- There are already tons of blogs about the topic.
- You already know 3 people who have launched a similar product.
- Someone else in your niche already offers the same service.
…are you too late? Is there no room for you?
The answer is no.
To really illustrate this, let’s talk about two book bloggers who both release the same product. Let’s say it’s a planner for managing book reviews.
Both of these bloggers can be successful for two main reasons:
1) Even within niches, there are sub-niches.
Even in something as niche as “book blogging” there are other niches. These other niches can be broken down in tons of different ways…
By social media platform.
- Bloggers who hang out on Twitter.
- Bloggers who hang out on Facebook.
- Bloggers who hang out on Instagram.
Seriously. These are massively different communities with different audiences. I was incredibly surprised when I started taking Facebook groups seriously and was introduced to an entirely different community of book bloggers who love Facebook.
By publisher.
- Book bloggers who primarily read indie/self-published books.
- Book bloggers who primarily read books by big name publishers.
And of course there are bloggers who read a healthy mix.
But I find that the book bloggers who focus on self-published books and promoting indie authors are in a vastly different space from those who mainly read big HarperTeen / Penguin / etc. titles.
By genre.
- People who mainly read new adult romance.
- People who mainly read sci-fi and dystopian.
- People who mainly read fantasy.
- People who read a mix.
My point is… two bloggers could release the same product in the same niche, but still be reaching completely different people.
If Blogger #1 primarily lives on Twitter and reviews books by big publishers, they may never even come across Blogger #2, who primarily hangs out on Facebook and reads self-published books.
If they’re in different spaces and their peers are in that same space with them, then there’s certainly room for both people and their products (even if they are similar).
2) Different people put a different spin on what they create.
When people buy a product, a huge part of what they’re buying is YOU—the seller.
To give you an example, so many of the reviews for Ultimate Book Blogger talk about the customer service or even mention me by name. Sure, they talk about the actual product a bit, but they also talk about me.
“Also, I had done something strange with it at first, and Ashley was so helpful, answering my e-mails the same day, getting back to me with solutions and making sure I got everything to work the way I wanted it to.”
“Ashley was awesome at helping me customize it slightly to suit my blog perfectly, too!”
“Ashley is very professional and goes above and beyond to help with everything.”
“Ashley is awesome! Answers your emails quick if you have a question and sends you updates to the plugin when she thinks of something cool to add to it.”
Yes, people buy Ultimate Book Blogger because they want the features, but they also buy it because they read my blog, have seen my work, and just trust me to deliver a quality product.
When recommending my hosting service people often say they recommend, “Ashley” or they love “Ashley”.
People are buying the product because YOU made it.
They know you, they trust you, they care about you. They’re confident that YOU will deliver an awesome product.
If you see two identical products, which are you more likely to buy? The one made by someone you know? Or the one made by someone who’s a stranger to you?
Plenty of people will know Blogger #1 from our example, but not Blogger #2. And vice versa.
Everyone tackles things from a different angle.
Even if you have two book blogger planners, they won’t be completely identical. They’ll have different formatting or different focuses.
Similarly, if you have two e-courses on the same topic, the lessons will still be different. The voices will be different. The focus will be different.
People will buy your product because they know your voice and have seen your blog posts and know that they like your personal style.
Don’t be afraid to release your blog post or product just because it’s already been done before.
Yours will be different, even if simply because it’s made by a different person.
Such a great reminder!! As a lifestyle + beauty blogger that’s niched in on Natural Hair, that industry got so saturated that I began to feel discouraged, and honestly overwhelmed that I couldn’t do as good as such and such. But it’s true, there is room for ALL of us,and I did indeed learn that. It doesn’t matter who’s done something or is doing something similar, the way I do it won’t be the way they do it,and we all bring variety to the table. Also it rings true to the fact “there is nothing new under the sun”.
Happy 2016 Ashley!!
Oh yeah, I think the whole beauty industry is pretty packed. But it’s packed because it’s popular. There’s definitely a demand for things in that space and you can always put your own personal perspective on it. 🙂
Thanks Ashley! I am in a book blogger sub niche of audiobooks only. I used to think of all of the other book bloggers as competition not as allies.
If all of the book bloggers reviewed the same book on the same day you would have that number of different perspectives and interpretations maybe the only thing that would be similar would be the rating and even then someone isn’t going to like it.
Your niche is so fantastic! Not many reviewers I know of focus on audiobooks. It’s so great that you’ve found a space there. 🙂
I so needed this post. I’ve been having doubts about launching my business for exactly this reason, and it’s such a lovely thing to have a reminder that my fears are unfounded. Thank you so much, Ashley. x
You’ll always be able to carve out your own space—go for it, Topaz!! 🙂
I cracked up that you use book blogging planners as an example because I launched one literally the same week as 2 other bloggers! While I hated the timing (apparently some people were confused over who was selling what and who was just promoting, stuff like that), I LOVE the fact that so many are popping up. So awesome.
The reason I sold copies of mine in the first place was because I couldn’t find any that fit what I needed, and I saw others looking for the same thing. But I know that just like those other planners I looked at, mine’s not going to be the magic solution for everyone.
The more planners there are out there, the less bloggers there’ll be in the anxious position I was 2 years ago. 🙂
Haha I know!! That didn’t inspire my post, but it did inspire my example. I saw at least two planners floating around (one of which being yours) but I didn’t see you guys as competitors at all. You’re two very different people with different audiences, despite the overlap of books + blogging.
Even in something as specific as books + blogging + planners, you can create big differences.
Hi Ashley
Love this. And I completely agree. While some niches are pretty damn saturated, you can still find an audience and provide value. There are literally hundreds of millions of users on Facebook alone. Reaching even 100-500 people on there that may connect with your product is not that difficult.
Thanks for reminding folks that they shouldn’t give up because there is already a busy market. That typically means people are buying! In fact, it’s much better than being the only one in a particular niche, right?
I just recently found your site and I’m glad I did! Looking forward to more in 2016!
– Jeff
Thanks for stopping by, Jeff!
These days it’s hard to find a space that doesn’t feel saturated. But even if it is, your personal perspective and voice is what will set it apart and attract a unique audience. 🙂
Great Post! thanks Ashley! funny it sounds like my Sunday Post yesterday. You should take a look at it. It was all about you and your good customer service 🙂
Thanks Daniela! I loved your post!! I left a comment but it might have gotten caught in spam or something since I didn’t see it when the page refreshed.
Hummm that Akismet! LOL I just approved. Thanks for visiting 🙂
Funny you mentioned the planner, as I released one just last month! 😉
Honestly, if I had let myself be brought down by the fact that hundreds of blog planners exist out there (beyond the book blogging community especially) , my very first digital product would not exist today. Instead, I focused on the fact that I had something of value to create and share: an aesthetically pleasing planner that was helpful for getting your book blog organized. Yes, it’s not anything new but it isn’t not unique either. Success doesn’t come from being exclusive and unrivaled, it comes from your product being remarkable on its own way and you, believing that it’s something of worth.
As usual, amazing post, Ashley! <3
Haha that’s actually what inspired by example. 😀 I know someone else who also recently released a book blogger planner. But you two are such completely different people and tackled it in totally different ways! And on top of that, you have different audiences. So I’m confident you’ll both do well with your products. 🙂
I love this post, Ashley! One of the reasons I think first before posting is that other people might claim that the idea was copied from them. I also see a lot of book/reading challenges that are exactly the same. Ut from a different niche in book blogging.
Yes! Yes! And Yes! I work with so many people that constantly feel like they are not good enough because there are already so many people claiming to be experts in the niche. Definitely sending them this post!
This is a great post! A few years back when I was brainstorming starting my own blog tour company I often doubted going ahead with it as thought it didn’t matter as there were already so many other tour companies out there and why would authors go to me? Eventually I made the step and just like your UBB reviews a lot of authors mention me in their testimonial. Sure they bought a tour, but they where happy with it because of how I handled it, how organized I was and how quickly I replied to their e-mails etc.
I think you really have a good point here, with how every blogger or business is different, there are different niches even in book blogging and the same goes for very business. And the person behind it is different and that can matter a lot, they buy your product, but it’s also about you.
I think this a is a great post for every blogger or business owner out there and a great reminder that it doesn’t matter how many other people have the same business we all still add something unique to it.
I love your experience with this Lola! You have such a wonderful real life example.
There are TONS AND TONS of blog tour companies, but they all carve out a space for their own customers. A huge part of doing business is forming a personal relationship with people. There can’t be one single person that communicates with EVERYONE. There’s room for more to go around. 🙂
Yes! I definitely have caught myself thinking this in the past. You’ve encouraged me here.
Couldn’t agree more! And your are the proof. In the crowded blogging niche you managed to find a new angle. I closed my book blog about a year ago and now I dedicate myself to a pet blog, but I still love to read your tips. Happy New Year!