When You Get an ARC, Should You Send the Publisher Your Review?

When a publisher sends you an ARC should you or should you not send them an email with the link of the review?

Absolutely! If you get an ARC from a publisher (whether it’s one you requested or unsolicited), you should always email them a link to your review. This helps the publishers get feedback on the books, and it tells the publishers that you are in fact reading the books they’re sending you!

If I was a publisher and I sent you 5 ARCs over the course of 3 months, but you never emailed me your reviews, I would start to wonder whether you were actually reading the books I sent you! Because let’s be honest, publishers don’t have time to manually check your blog all the time to see if the review has gone up.

So help the publishers out and send them your feedback! 🙂 You can send the email to the person who replied to your original request. Or, if they never replied, you can just send the link to their general publicity contact.

Photo of Ashley
I'm a 30-something California girl living in England (I fell in love with a Brit!). My three great passions are: books, coding, and fitness. more »

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  1. I’ve always wondered about this: If you won an ARC from a giveaway or are gifted one from a friend, are you allowed to email the publishers your review? Or no?

    1. Well you’re certainly allowed to, but if it was me, I wouldn’t. I’d only send in the review if I specifically requested the book from them (or they sent an unsolicited copy).

      If you won the ARC or were gifted it, you could just tag the publisher in a tweet with a link to your review instead. That’s a more informal way of notifying them, and I think it’s more suitable to this scenario!

      1. I’ll send in the review if it was a book that I purchased or got in another way if I plan on reaching out to that publisher in the future. Generally though I only do this for small presses, because I feel like they can use the feedback, and only for books that I’ve read within maybe three months of their release.

  2. Yeah I always like to email my review into the publisher if I get it unsolicited or if I request it directly from them. I haven’t gotten any physical copies of books recently so I haven’t been needing to send in any reviews because I typically use the NG/EW feedback feature whenever I get books from there. Thanks for sharing, Ashley! <33

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  3. Omg Ashley I’m sooooo late but congratulation for your engagement! 🙂

    Okay I usually request my ARCs from NG and EW and submit my reviews and the links to them using the feedback feature but should I email the publisher the link too?

    Kezia D recently posted: Status Update: 1/12/2014
    1. Thank you so much!! 😀

      If you get books from netgalley or edelweiss you don’t need to email the publisher. Just fill out the feedback form, but make sure you send them a link there. 🙂 You only need to email them if you received a physical ARC (or an eARC straight from them and not from a site with a feedback form).

  4. For e-ARCs that I obtained from NetGalley, I won’t email the publishers on my reviews since the system will notify the publishers on any review updates on the titles they uploaded to the website. For other ARCs, I would definitely email my reviews to the publishers.

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