How do you install twitter cards? The twitter API isn’t very clear on what I’m supposed to do and all the tutorials I’ve found online are outdated. I can’t figure it out and I would love to have them! Thanks Ashley! Jessica Hi Jessica! First, […]
Tag: Coding
How to Add Graphical Quotation Marks inside Blockquotes
I would love to know how you made quotation marks frame the text within your blockquotes. Kelly Hi Kelly! There are several ways to do this. You could use multiple background images, but I personally use Font Awesome icons. To get started, read my guide […]
How to Use Font Icons on Your WordPress Blog
Font Awesome is a library of font-based icons that you can use on websites. I use them on Nose Graze! Since these icons are fonts, rather than images, they are vectors. That means they can be resized without loss of quality. And, since they’re fonts, […]
Migrating Your WordPress Theme from a Foundation Design to Bootstrap
I build all of my websites on a responsive framework. Originally, I started using the Foundation framework by ZURB. But recently, I experimented with Bootstrap and decided to switch. However, this proposed a few problems for me. In the version of Foundation I was using […]
How to Get Your Review’s Star Ratings in Google Search Results
I always see your star ratings in Google and would love to able to do that for my reviews too. 😀 Laura Hi Laura! 🙂 This is possible because of Schema markup. Schema markup is used to better convey to search engines what a certain […]
Using Different Google Fonts for Headings
Hello, Ashley! I’m wondering if you could give us a tutorial in how to add different Google Fonts to the headings for our posts. I mean a different font for Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc. 😀 Thank you! Anna Hi Anna! 🙂 First […]
Life of a Blogger: Non-Bookish Hobbies
Today I’m going to tell you about some of my hobbies outside of reading and blogging. 🙂 Movies & TV My fiancé and I loooove watching things together! We watch a movie pretty much every night. It’s like our routine: dinner and a movie. They […]
How to Make Your Background Image Fill the Whole Page
I have come across a lot of blogs that have a graphical background image that doesn’t repeat and doesn’t fill the whole page. Often times these people pick a background image that looks perfectly fine on their computer, but on a larger screen it’s obvious […]
How to Change Your Permalink Structure in WordPress Without Losing SEO
Hey Ashley! I cringe whenever I see my URLs because they include the dates. I had moved from Blogger to WordPress, and I recall having to restructure my permalinks so that the redirection would be flawless. Is there a way to not use that (even […]
Learn the Difference Between <b> and <strong> in HTML
Hey Ashley! I’ve been trying to learn HTML, and I noticed that it taught me some formatting that I’m not used to like bold and italic being (well I forgot) but I think bold was <b>. And I know bold is in the normal editors. […]