I feel like an author. With writer’s block. I’m sitting here, staring at a blank page, and I have no idea how to form my words. The Elite was everything I hoped it would be: it was intense, romantic, emotional, but it was also conflicting. […]
Tag: Government
Shades of Earth by Beth Revis
Death will come on swift wings to whomsoever opens this book. This. Book. Has. So. Much. Death. Beth Revis is like a fiction mass murderer. I did not expect so many people to die in Shades of Earth. It’s written like a realistic war book. […]
Prison Nation by Jenni Merritt
I really wanted to enjoy this book because I love the idea of it, but I just kept waiting for that moment when it would get good, and it never came. It wasn’t really horrible, but it never got interesting; it never piqued my interest; […]
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
My journey with The Darkest Minds was a strange and complex one. My enjoyment was all over the place: up, down, and everywhere in between. Since I’m a nerd, I don’t have funny GIFs for you; instead, I have a graph: My Enjoyment Levels — […]
Slated by Teri Terry
Slated has one of the coolest stories to it. Ever. It takes place in futuristic England where young teenage criminals are given a second chance. Rather than being put to death or imprisoned for life, they can be “rehabilitated” by being Slated. Their memories and […]