Real is a conflicting book for me. Overall, Real has very little substance to it other than “Oh my god, he’s so hot. Oh my god, I’m so wet.” It’s the kind of book you read when you want pure, raw sex… and that’s about […]
Tag: Romance
Review & Giveaway: Wild Awake by Hilary T. Smith
I am so completely confused by Wild Awake. I read it, and I swear nothing happened. If you were to ask me to describe the plot of this book or the major conflict, I would have no idea what to tell you. Because there isn’t […]
Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston
I had hopes and expectations for this book, and I think they were met 100%. I loved the idea of The Rules for Disappearing because witness protection fascinates me. I love movies and TV shows about it, but I had never read a book about […]
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Well this book was adorable! ..And not nearly as cute and fluffy as I thought it was going to be. It had a more serious undertone, that I really enjoyed! I was nervous going into this book. I mean, The Statistical Probability of Love at […]
September Girls by Bennett Madison
In a summary, September Girls is: Despite hearing some scary things about this book, I tried to go into it hopeful. I actually didn’t hate it right away. Then the awkward sexual sentences started rolling in randomly… but I still didn’t hate it. They were […]
Crush by Nicole Williams
Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!!! I have to talk about the ending of Crush first (no spoilers) because it’s all I can think about!! I just finished it and I was bawling, sniffling, crying, smiling, and giggling. I was am such […]
Review & Giveaway: Dare You To by Katie McGarry
Dare You To is an emotional whirlwind of a book that fans of Pushing the Limits are sure to love! Was it as amazing as Pushing the Limits? Well, I personally enjoyed Noah and Echo’s story more. But Dare You To was still a strong […]
Astarte’s Wrath by Trisha Wolfe
Astarte’s Wrath is perfect for any huge Egyptian mythology buffs. Riddled with war, chaos, history, and mythology, this book is intense, full of action, and tragic. It takes place during the Battle of Actium (between Octavian of Rome and Cleopatara of Egypt) so it’s safe […]
Review & Giveaway: The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller
Click to Enlarge Me with some of my video games! The Summer I Became a Nerd was adorable! I’m a huge nerd so this book appealed to me for obvious reasons. It’s about a girl struggling between “fitting in” in high school and just being […]
Parallel by Lauren Miller
Let me paint a picture for you. You’re crying yourself to sleep at night because you just finished reading Pivot Point and you’re afraid that nothing will ever live up to the awesomeness that is that book. Well, allow me to introduce PARALLEL! This book […]