Review: The Aftermath by Jen Alexander

Review: The Aftermath by Jen Alexander

The Aftermath came to me at a perfect time. I used to be the girl who would sit at home and play video games for 8 hours a day. In recent years it hasn’t quite been like that. I’ve been reading, blogging, and working and […]

Life of a Blogger: Non-Bookish Hobbies

Life of a Blogger: Non-Bookish Hobbies

Today I’m going to tell you about some of my hobbies outside of reading and blogging. 🙂 Movies & TV My fiancé and I loooove watching things together! We watch a movie pretty much every night. It’s like our routine: dinner and a movie. They […]

The Woes of University Life

The Woes of University Life

I’m in my fifth and final year of university and I’m just so ready to be done with school. I’m tired of taking classes I don’t like, I’m tired of working on projects I hate, I’m tired of being forced to attend workshops where you […]

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