Okay you guys have no idea how psyched I am to introduce a very special guest poster: Ashley Robertson! I recently reviewed her book UnGuarded and she has quickly become one of my all time favourite authors. Not only did she write a kick-ass, totally swoony book, but she’s also one of the sweetest authors I’ve had the pleasure to talk to!
The Importance of a Badass Book Cover
By Ashley Robertson
You’re shopping at your local bookstore where countless shelves are stacked with books from floor to ceiling, conveniently organized by genre, or you’re browsing an online book supplier, surfing through the current best-sellers and perhaps a few recommendations that popped up amid your search, and then you see it, and you can’t stop looking at it…a book with a badass cover. Now, regardless of what you’d been searching for, you must pick up (or click) the book and find out what it’s about, for this cover has completely distracted you with its promise of something that uniquely calls out to your reading chi. Will its blurb entice you further? Will the story inside be as beautiful? Of course there’s only one way to find out, so you place it in your shopping basket with a renewed excitement. Maybe even the book you’d originally set out to buy has now taken a backseat to this brand new book you can’t stop thinking about.
As a writer, I think it’s important to create the best cover possible to visually portray our story—and lure a reader into our world. With my first urban fantasy novel, Crimson Groves, I had all the ideas on how I wanted my cover to look, but unfortunately I didn’t have the artistic skills. So I went to CrowdSpring and posted my project, and within a month my cover was complete. The shadowed face of a young woman with red eyes is Abby—the book’s MC. The bleeding orange and blossom has two meanings: first, it is representative of the orange grove and farm I grew up on, and secondly, Abby lives in a neighborhood conveniently called “The Groves,” which is ultimately where she is forcefully turned into a creature of the night. So the cover not only speaks of the story within, but also has a personal touch to my life as a child. A lot of my friends from school have loved this connection, and even how I used Clermont—the city where I grew up—as the protagonist’s hometown too.
With my second urban fantasy, paranormal romance novel, UnGuarded, I had absolutely no clue how I wanted the cover to look. Then luckily I stumbled onto PhatpuppyArt, and after only a few days, the cover was finished—a much easier process than my first time around. And fortunately for me, several amazing book reviewers have complimented me on the story being as beautiful inside as its cover outside. Selene—the guardian angel MC—is pictured sitting on the water’s edge seemingly lost in thought, giving off a mysterious sadness. It’s no secret that she leaves her human charge unguarded to help save her vampire boyfriend from the clutches of a demon…and with that action, a very painful array of reactions have tumbled into her life. Of course you’ll have to read it to find out exactly what happens (huge grin).
The next novel I’m working on, Crimson Flames (which is the sequel to Crimson Groves), is also being created by PhatpuppyArt, and I am head-over-heels in love with what we’ve come up with so far. I’m not going to say any more about it because I plan on scheduling a huge cover release with some of my favorite bloggers about a month before the book goes on sale this winter. I’ve been working double-time trying to make this the best novel I’ve written to date, and I can’t wait to hear what my fans and book reviewer friends think about it.
So what is your favorite book cover? Hopefully the story within that breathtaking veil upheld its promise—drawing out your rawest emotions and leaving its imprint on your soul.
Crimson Groves
Bronx the vampire barges into Abigail Tate’s life and forcefully turns her, then holds her captive. When a chance to escape arises, it’s with the aid of an innocent human—except vampires are forbidden to interact with the unbitten. But Abby learns this human has secrets of his own…secrets that can help or get her killed. Only Abby discovers that she was the one with the biggest secret of all.
Guardian angel Selene was close to becoming an archangel—until she fell in love a vampire. Now her dark lover has been kidnapped and the only way to save him is by abandoning her human charge. But her choice to save him doesn’t come without a price. Selene must push her diminishing angel abilities to where she risks becoming fallen, praying she can save the ones she loves before her fate is sealed.
About Ashley
Ashley Robertson resides in sunny Orlando, Florida and loves reading and writing about everything urban fantasy and paranormal romance. When she isn’t writing you’ll find her spending time with family and friends, training in her home gym, traveling and exploring new places, drinking fine red wines, and making gourmet coffees with her Nespresso machine. Visit her website to learn about her upcoming releases, guest blog posts, and featured giveaways at: AshleyRobertsonBooks.com
Want a chance to win one of Ashley Robertson’s AWESOME books?? Enter our giveaway! There will be two winners. Each winner will get to pick whether they want a copy of Crimson Groves or UnGuarded, and you get to pick your format (ebook or paperback). If you choose a paperback, it will be SIGNED!! Awesome! But if you choose a paperback you must have a US address. For more info, check out my giveaway policy.
May the odds be ever in your favour!
I’m checking in periodically today so share your comments and/or questions. I’d love to hear from you 😀
Ashley Robertson has mastered heart, driven heart, too, knows what she want’s to write, but still humble enough to let creativity take its hand in hand lead, the reason I write, and most seemingly, as I’ve read UnGuarded, she does too. But, she’s so gifted a writer, and the more she defines herself through character growth the more gifted she writes. Crimson Flames…can fairly feel the heat of her next, vampire scorcher, sure to be captured, again.
Thanks Ross. I appreciate you! 🙂 What would we do without vampires? I don’t even want to think about that!
The vampire has come a long way, sexually and, well, somewhat humanized at the same unearthed time, new grasp of the un-dead these last few exciting years are vivid testament to that. I’M 64, and daddy-oh here is from the Hammer Film years, when Count drac was a demon a nightly foot, drive a stake through the fiend’s heart and free the one’s he feeds on, bless them back into the living world. But, even during Christofer Lee’s and Bela’s caped time…..the gals were so willing to offer their pale white necks to the, king of blood, made me wonder just what else went on under that cape….even then. And hey, they were always big busted lookers, pale of flawless face, lots of hair, low cut, flowing robes, blood red, luscious lips and large, wanting eyes; hey, if ya have to feed off folks. Say, ain’t nothing wrong with a warm blooded night prowler either, male of female….so why would she go for just any, run of the mill looker. Would have said ‘working stiff’ but you might have took it wrong. But, I still like but a few fog dancers in a book or movie, too many vamps or werewolves seems to take all that’s at stake away. I now dwell in Ashley and her likes vamp world. Once bitten, you ain’t twice shy. Write on, Queen of the pulp night people. The book cover, must stake your eye!!!!!
I kind of feel shame for putting so much importance on covers when it comes to books I pick up. But it’s true. I either know which book I am getting and go straight to tto it or I browse covers.
I love your cover. It really turned out nice. 🙂
I know exactly what you mean Jennifer! If I go into a bookstore and aimlessly browse, I check out the covers. I don’t even pick up a book if it has a bad cover. I mean, the cover is your first impression of a book. I know authors usually don’t make their own covers, and sometimes they have no say at all, but eye-catching book covers are important to me! I have a hard time bringing myself to pick up a book if the cover doesn’t grab me.
Thanks Jennifer 🙂 Happy Friday!
Okay, confession: I can sometimes be a judgy mcjudgerpants when it comes to covers! I can’t help it! I naturally gravitate towards the pretty ones!
I especially like the cover of Unguarded!
I’m guilty of the same thing. There’s been a few recommendations I have gotten from some of my blogger friends and the covers are so bad, I have yet to start reading those books. Of course, it doesn’t help that I have an infinite stack in my TBR, so it’s easy to just dive into one in which the cover has already piqued by interest. 🙂
The cover of Unguarded I find more alluring than Crimson Groves because of it’s simplicity in colors. Have you seen the covers to N. K. Jemisin’s The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms series? Those are awesome covers. They give me so much to look at as I read through the book.
I haven’t seen those yet, but once I finish typing this I’m certainly going to check them out. I have a great relationship with the graphic designer that helped me with UnGuarded…I love that one too. 🙂
These book covers are pretty lurky, dangerous, and unsafe. And my favorite book cover through time of mine lived is… The Matched series by Allie Condie!
How funny you should say that! I’m reading Matched right this second!
Here’s another book for me to check out 😉
The book cover is everything.. it is what makes me look at a book and decide to read the back to see if I will like it.. If the cover isn’t good I just walk right past it! Great job on the covers very eye catching!
I’m totally guilty of the same thing. Coming up with a good cover can be a bit nerve-racking because I really want it to be something that depicts the story while still catching the eye of those who’ll see it. 🙂 I can’t wait to show off Crimson Flames…it’s going to be different than anything I’ve ever done before.
I love the book covers… A cover is what pulls me in..
Thanks. 🙂
Thanks for doing the giveaway! I have to say you’re correct in that the cover needs to catch the buyer’s eye. Many times I have picked up a book to check it out because the cover caught my eye. As for my favorite cover I really couldn’t say, I’ve been reading for many years and have so many that would be my favorite.
Picking a favorite cover would be quite challenging for me too. 🙂 There are so many good ones out there.
I lovee your covers its hard to pick my fav covers I have to say tho one come sto mind the most is clock work angel ( im a steam punk addict ty for the chance
That’s a great cover! I’ve been seeing CWA all over the blogosphere (and it’s on my TBR)
I like pretty covers, I will admit. But, I won’t let it be the deciding factor in whether or not I read book….since all of have, at least once, read a book with a nice cover that turned out to be a terrible book.
I think writing is what really matters. I (almost) always read the back covers of the books I am going to purchase. That is, unless I have already read some of the author’s books before and liked them. That’s the real deciding factor for me.
As for Ashley’s book covers, I really like them. She made them pretty without all the glitter, glitz, and shiny lettering that alot of YA books tend to use these days. I especially like the *Unguarded* cover, and its’ purple theme, but I do like both.
Thanks Holly…and you’re totally right, if I’ve read a book by an author before and I really liked it, then chances are I’ve ready everything that author has written 😀
I just wanted to let you know that the book arrived yesterday (Friday). Thank you to both Ashleys (the author & the blog maintainer) very much.
Awesome! Thanks for letting me know Holly 🙂 I hope you enjoy it.
I like the cover of Unguarded! It seems mysterious and seems a bit dark but not too dark.
I have learned here recently that a cover of a book does not mean it is not a good book. I use to always go by the book cover and then learn that well the book actually sucked big time. I do not have a favorite cover as of yet. Can we only buy Unguarded at Amazon?
Hey Autumn 🙂 You’re completely right. There have been some books that I loved their covers but couldn’t even finish reading them, which is rare because I always try to push to the end hoping the story will get better. Both Crimson Groves and UnGuarded are available everywhere books and ebooks are sold. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, etc. 🙂
I love the unguared book cover but the shadow that flows on her face on the cover of Crimson gets in the way to me. It seeems to distort her face to me. I don’t know about the best covers but i have always like The Iron King series covies. Now as for covers being important i agree cause for myself i will pick out a book alot of yimes just by the covers long before i find out what the title is. Thanks Joannie
I’ve heard about the Iron King series. I need to add that to my TBR. I’m definitely gonna check the cover out after I finish typing this response to you. Thanks for commenting 😀
Covers are okay. These are lovely! But I place much more importance on the blurb and the back. It’s all about the book’s content and the writer’s ability to maintain her audience’s enthusiasm.
Thanks Benita. There’s been a few times I couldn’t resist the blurb on the back (and I wasn’t so crazy about the cover). I have so many books on my TBR that I have to rely on the covers to help me decide which one I should read next. Otherwise I might get a complex trying to decide. 🙂
A good cover always make a difference because it is the first thing people will see. Take for instance, the book “Lady Lawbreaker” by G.J. Fuller, one of the best books I ever read (You can see it’s cover on Amazom.com); that book’s cover hooked me instantly. It’s simple, but really gets your attention. So yes, the cover makes a big difference.
It is simple, but I like it too. There’s a lot of questions it creates in my head. 🙂 There must be some type of detective, mystery, maybe even murder within those pages.
Since I like to read most of my books on my kindle book covers are not the most important thing to me but…yep there is a but. I will admit to stopping to ogle pretty covers on blogs or book store shelves when I see them.
Of Ashley’s covers I prefer Ungarded. Although I am curious what the orange fruit has to do with the story.
My all time favorite covers are Jaci Burton’s The Perfect Play and Karen Marie Moning’s Shadowfever HB (which I have signed). They are both totally drool worthy!
I love Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series! Amazing books and the covers are awesome too 🙂
I’ve recently read Unguarded from Ashley and I cannot wait to read more from her. Not to mention finding all these new authors, I’m finding all kinds of great blogs. I can’t believe I never found them before. 🙂
You rock Elyse! Thanks for supporting us. xoxo