Holy smokes. This is one badass cover! I still remember when I first saw it a couple of months ago. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor! What sucks though is that this book has been getting some really mediocre early reviews on Goodreads. Originally I planned on reading this book ASAP. But now it’s on NetGalley and I’m not even sure if I should request it because I’m afraid it’s not that good! Bummer…
But the cover still makes my eyes melt!
I LOVE this cover!!!!! It’s so stunning. They really did a great job with this one!
That really is an amazing cover….I’ll wait to here what you think of it though, before I’ll entertain reading it myself. I just started Persephone that you rated pretty highly, but I think I’m struggling with YA right now. I need something a little more mature. But the writing is super good and I’ll definitely come back to it once I quench my appetite of adult/new adult. Happy holidays 🙂
I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes you just really need a certain kind of book! I hope you come back to it soon. 🙂 As you know, I really enjoyed it! I’m desperately awaiting the sequel, which will be out later this month I think!
You are right. This cover is absolutely stunning. The reviews have me worried but I will certainly form my own opinion. I have this one for review coming up soon.
UM YESSSSS. #$@%*$&%(&^$$&*$!!!!!
I need.
Oh wait, I have on NetGalley. *runs to e-reader* now I must read. This post has inspired me.
Well no i dont.
Maybe I should find something too eat though. I’m hungry.
Ohhh Inky I can’t wait to read your review of it!!! *waits impatiently*
I shall read just for you.
So. Freakin. Beautiful. O_o
This is the second book cover I’ve seen with the rose petals and it still takes my breath away. Love it!