Series: Wait for You #1
Published by: William Morrow on September 3, 2013
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 384
Source: BookExpo America
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Rating: ★★★★½
Some things are worth waiting for...
Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago--an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe—please God—make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn't need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she's building for herself.
Some things are worth experiencing...
Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that's just so... so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.
Some things should never be kept quiet...
But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she's has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?
And some things are worth fighting for...
The goal: a good romance book.
The plan: read for an hour (starting at 11:30pm).
The result: up until 4am finishing the book.
On the surface, Wait for You looks like all the new adult books that have been done before, and in some ways it is. But despite all the common trends and themes, it ends up being SO much more! I expected to be a little irked with Wait for You for these reasons:
- Avery meets Cam (the love interest) practically on the first page.
- Avery is the quiet, anti-social, but apparently gorgeous girl who snags the most eligible bachelor in town.
- Avery is the broken, “damaged” girl who needs to be healed.
- At the beginning, Cam acts like an extremely self-important, arrogant, egotistical guy. He’s nice, but my god that man thinks highly of himself.
Doesn’t sound ideal, right? Sounds like it’s been done before… and it has. But there was something extra about Wait for You that roped me in. I didn’t like Cam at first because of his “I’m awesome” attitude, but he grew on me. Unlike most guys who are like that, he wasn’t an ass. He was an incredibly nice and genuine guy. I finally started to take his self-important behaviour as more of a lighthearted joke than a serious thing, which is how I think he intends it. And once I got to the middle of the book, that’s when I was seriously hooked.
I could not. stop. reading.
Cam and Avery just owned me. At 3am I looked at the clock and made an assessment. I had 100 pages left, but should I go to bed? It was late, I was tired, and I could always finish tomorrow. HELL NO! I kept going, going, and going—powering through right until the end.
I feel like I’m bouncing all over the place with this review, because the book was so damn good and I’m trying to hit everything at once! Ahh!! Okay, let’s regroup.
Avery has two awesome friends: Brit and Jacob. They weren’t exactly the focus of the book, but they were two awesome side characters! They were fun, good humoured, loved to go on about hot guys and sex, but most importantly, they knew when to be funny and when to be series. Brit, in particular, really knew when to tell Jacob to shut up so that Brit and Avery could have some serious girl time.
And Cam.. OH MY GOD CAM!! You guys he is amazing. O_O Once you learn to not take his ego inflating comments too seriously, you realize he’s just a genuinely nice guy. He’s the guy who will hold your hair back when you’re puking up you guts, he’ll take you stargazing, cook you breakfast, and have a few weird quirks that make you smile. And he and Avery had terrific chemistry! For the entire second half of the book, there were butterflies in my stomach. My heart was POUNDING because the kissing scenes knocked me over with how intense they were.
Wait for You wasn’t quite perfect. I had my doubts about Cam at the beginning, and Avery sometimes bugged me. Like how she thought Cam would judge her or break up with her if he knew View Spoiler » . Or how she thought he expected sex from her, even after she knew what a great guy he was. She never gave him enough credit (except at the end). But despite its imperfections, Wait for You had me hooked. I was giggling, smiling, squealing, and just flat out could not put this sucker down.
If you’re looking for a heart-throbbing romance with a super sweet guy and kissing scenes that will make you pass out from ALL THE FEELS, look no further, my friends.
But I must say, the absolute best thing about Wait for You is the fact that there is a NOSE GRAZE in it! YES! It’s a sign!!
Sounds great, I have been hearing nothing but good about this author lately. I think it’s time I jumped on the bandwagon!
Oooh I love those little badges that you have at the end of the review, great for letting a fellow reader know what to expect.
I’m really happy to see that you loved this one so much. There is a part of me that’s really excited for this one but also a big part that was really wary of it. I loved Obsidian but I grew tired of the Lux series in the second book. The constant back and forth between Katy and Daemon wore me out and I worried that this one would be much of the same but now I am not worried! I love that you say you had butterflies for the entire second half of the book, that’s the best feeling when reading.
Also, good to note that Cam grew on you fast, I’ll keep that in mind when I start it in case I feel the same!
Thanks Jenni!
I actually never finished the Lux series lol. I didn’t like Obsidian much at all because I thought Daemon was a jerk and I couldn’t get past that. But I think Wait for You is nothing like Lux! Just try to be forgiving of Cam at the beginning. 😉 At first I thought he was going to be a jerk like Daemon, but unlike Daemon, he totally changes and turns out to be a nice guy!
(At the end of Obsidian, I thought Daemon was still a jerk and had never redeemed himself X_X)
Yeah, I read the blurb and was like “Read this a million times before.” But then I read your review and I knew exactly what you were talking about. Some books are so much more amazing than their surface appearance. And I love Armentrout. I will for sure keep this one in mind.
Yeah sometimes it just totally works! I almost can’t even explain it… but sometimes it doesn’t matter that it’s been done a million times, an author can just rock it.
I’m not much of a contemp fan, but I really enjoyed this. There hasn’t been anything JLA has written that I haven’t liked.
Awesome!! I need to read more of JLA’s books. 🙂
Her books are just pure awesomeness 🙂
Great review Ashley. 🙂 Nose graze, indeed. I like your little review badges at the end. You’re so creative. This book was a five-star read for me. Loved it.
Yay I’m so glad that you loved it too!! 😀
I’m with you one this one! I love Cam *sigh*
And once again, we agree on a book! 😀
Woohoo! 😀
I had issues with this one. Mostly that it was like 90% of the other NA’s Ive read and the girl got on my nerves sooo bad! Kind of reminded me of Abby from BD. BUT, I did loooooooooove Cam. He was awesome and he bumped up the book to a 4 stars.
I think I’m over JLA/J. Lynn. Her books are all starting to sound the same (as other books) and I felt the (spoiler) was unnecessary and just thrown in there for added drama….
But Cam was yummy!
Aww bummer. 🙁 Dark that you didn’t like it as much! But Cam is a total sweetheart <3 I'm going to give Frigid a try and see how that goes. 😛
Awww, I love the noze grazed sighting! Excited to check this one out.
I love this review, Ashley! I love your enthusiasm for this book. I read this one a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it as well, although not as much as you did. This book was a bit cliche, but Cam was seriously so swoon-worthy! LOL love that you found the “nose grazed” reference. Lovely review! <3
OOOOHHH….okay so I wouldn’t have looked twice at this, because even though I enjoyed Obsidian I’m not a fan of New Adult at all. But now I’m very curious! The way you talk about it, it reminds a lot like A Walk to Remember…because Cam sounds like Landon. And you know me and romance…I’m so damn picky that it’s hard for me to find one that actually gives me those feels. So I’m definitely adding this to my TBR list now 🙂
Hehe! Yes this book also took me by surprise! I loved Cam so much and didn’t expect this right in the beginning. Jennifer Armentrout is just amazingly talented!
Hahaha. That’s awesome that “Nose Graze” appears in it! Of course you have to give it a good rating now lol. I have yet to read any of Armentrout’s books, but I want to.
I love Jennifer’s books and cannot wait to read Wait for You! I feel like it’s sizzling right through my Kindle as I type. So glad you liked it and that it was much more than just another NA book. Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂
Great review Ashley, I’ve had this book for months and read the first 4% before I had to put it down for review books but I’m looking forward to getting back to it!
EEEEEEEEP I can’t wait to read it. I am behind on all of her J. Lynn/JLA stuff so I need to read several of her books BUT THIS ONE sounds so good. I love that you stayed up late to read it, and that there are awesome friends as secondary characters. And Cam sounds wonderful. 🙂
I hope you love it!!! I just read Frigid and really didn’t like it, but I adored this book! Kind of bummed out because after loving Wait for You, I thought I’d love Frigid. 🙁
Just scheduled my review for this one. OMG Cam!! Loved him 🙂 Finished this in one day!