Breaking Up With ARCs – Why ARCs Aren’t “All That”

Breaking Up With ARCs - Why ARCs Aren't "All That"

ARCs are a huge thing in the book blogging world. So many bloggers look forward to getting them, or aspire to make publisher contacts so they can get them. That used to be me, but I’m finally beginning to realize that ARCs aren’t “all that”. So, I’m breaking up with ARCs.

So much pressure to read review copies!

When I get ARCS, I feel like I have to read them. There’s so much pressure to read them and review them on time. But what if I don’t want to read them?

Sometimes, I’m really, really excited about a book, so I request it, and then I get an ARC. Awesome! I wait a few weeks to read it so that it’s closer to the release date, but in that time period 5 of my blogger friends read it… and hate it. Well now I suddenly don’t feel like reading it anymore! Why would I want to read a book that my trusted friends hated? I don’t! That puts me off reading the ARC, but at the same time I feel horrible because I’m the one who requested it (it wasn’t unsolicited), so I feel obligated to read it anyway. But it’s like I’m already setting myself up to hate it.

When you don’t like an ARC…

We can’t love every book, and publishers know that. But whenever I don’t like a book (2 stars or less) I DREAD having to tell the publisher. I get this big bundle of nerves in the pit of my stomach and I just hate having to e-mail them and link them to my negative review. It makes me feel horrible! I know a lot of it is all in my head, and supposedly publishers won’t hate me for not liking some of their books, but I can’t help but get worked up anyway!

Reading my own books on my own time is more fun!

When I’m reading my own books, I don’t have to prioritize by release date. I don’t have to read a dystopian when I’m in the mood for contemporary, just because the dystopian is an ARC being released next week and I’m obligated to review it.

I like being able to pick and choose to read whatever I want, whenever I want, without having to consult my Google Calendar, which has all my ARCs listed on it by release date.

I also like knowing that there’s no one out there monitoring my response to books. There’s no publisher or author that I have to e-mail with a link to my negative review. I don’t get nervous or antsy or scared when I publish a negative review. Reading my own books is a huge weight off my shoulders!

ARCs and I are breaking up

For at least the next few months, I am going to stop requesting ARCs. I’m going to focus on all the books I already have and get through those. I do have a huge pile of BEA ARCs to get through, but I’m not breaking up with those! I think because I got them from BEA and not from an official request e-mail I don’t feel guilty about them. I don’t feel obligated to read them, or pressured to read them by a certain date. I can go at my own pace!

I’m going to get through all my BEA books and all of the books I already own before even thinking about requesting any more ARCs. I’m not going to sign up for any blog tours unless I was planning on reading that book anyway. For the next few months, I’m going to be request-free!

How do you feel about ARCs? Love ’em? Hate ’em?

Do ARCs stress you out?

Photo of Ashley
I'm a 30-something California girl living in England (I fell in love with a Brit!). My three great passions are: books, coding, and fitness. more »

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  1. You always have to do what’s best for you. I use to feel anxious when I didn’t like an ARC I was sent but I kind of got over it. I actually am a very picky rater so I end up giving a lot of ARCs lower stars. Not on purpose, it’s just how it goes. I think my three star rating is someone else’s four star. But I really break down my reviews so people know what I liked and didn’t.

    Anyways. I like getting ARCs but I have learned that I can’t get to everyone one on time. I have to spread them out which means some get reviews pretty late. I don’t like it but it’s how it has to be. Again, I book blog because it’s fun, if it become too much like a business, I will hate it. I know me. But I always upfront with publishers and authors on my time constraints so no one is left in the dark.

    Jennifer Bielman recently posted: Stacking The Shelves #36: Losing Hope
  2. I get it, you just need some space to think about the future between you and ARCs. And you want to be free to meet other books and to get to know other books! LOL
    I have a love/hate relationship with ARCs. I still get so excited when I get approved for one or get a twinge of disappointment when I don’t get approved. But being honest that twinge is often followed with the thought ‘just as well, I don’t have time to read it’. I have cut back a lot on my requests as they build up very quickly and that is pressure. And I want to read for fun and have time for the books I buy and for rereads too.

  3. I feel the same way on a lot of those points. That’s why I’m currently not accepting any books for review via my blog. Only those I request. And even then it’s just like you say. Sometimes you have to read a book in a genre you don’t feel like reading at that moment. It’s more fun to choose it yourself. So when the list of ARC’s and R2R’s I still have to read has shrunk down a bit, I’m only going to request ARC’s I really really want to read.

    Bieke @ Istyria book blog recently posted: Review: Wait for you by J. Lynn
  4. Oh yes I totally know about the ARC pressure and sometimes I just hate it. Sometimes I just want to read some books which I have been on my wish list but due to my schedule full of ARCS I just can’t ….

    Oh the other side, I love the thrill of getting a book early, and help spreading the love before it’s even out.

    I think it’s important to keep a balance and I keep reminding myself to do just that.

    Also, when I do not like an ARC I feel bad – but I think by now I’ve gotten over this . When I do not get into the book and truly do not like it – either I DNF and let the publisher know or I post my honest thoughts (probably on a less frequented day..)

  5. I get what you mean completely. I usually only request ARCs by authors I have enjoyed before, it has happened that I have picked up a new-to-me author that way, but that’s pretty seldom.
    I am pretty laid back, though, and I don’t always review an ARC before it’s released, and I don’t really feel bad if I didn’t like a book. I try to be fair in my reviews, and there is always some little thing I enjoyed even if the book overall didn’t appeal to me.
    Good for you, though! You need to do what feels right for you, and if you feel pressure when you read ARCs, then blogging is less fun. I hope you’ll enjoy the books you have in your hands right now, and that you’ll have fun both reading and reviewing them – just because you want to.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted: Sidekick Saturday #11 – Soldier
  6. I am very selective in participating in book blog tours as well as ARCS. Blogging wasn’t fun when I felt stressed. I am posting less, yes my hits have declined, but so has the pressure.

    Jessica recently posted: Reading Nook
  7. I made some similar decisions. I have limited myself to no more than 10 open NetGalley requests at a time and I’m accepting nor requesting any books for review other than from Audiobook Jukebox. I am going to read whatever I feel like reading, DNF any book that doesn’t grab me whether it’s in 5 pages or 50 without feeling guilty, and it doesn’t matter if the book hasn’t even been released this decade, I’m still going to review it on my blog. I had to reevaluate what kind of blog I wanted to have. I don’t want it to be a job or a commitment, I want it to be my outlet, something to enjoy. However, I will completely break my own rules if audio book ARCs become an option!

  8. I have a love hate relationship with ARC’s. I love them when I get them but I hate the pressure that comes along with them. I prefer to get them in the mail randomly. I didn’t request them so i don’t have to read them but hey they are there if I want to read them. That doesn’t happen often with me. I try to stay away from Netgalley, it just doesn’t work. There is an irresistible pull that lures me in daily. I totally agree with everything you said though!

    JennRenee recently posted: Stacking the Shelves #45
  9. I definitely understand everything you just said. Although I don’t get too many print ARCs, I do get a lot on NetGalley and Edelweiss. I came to a similar realization about a month ago and decided that 1. I am going to stop requesting books that I didn’t previously want to read (even if it sounds like it might be good, I have a big enough to-read list! So, now I only look at the covers for books I recognize from my to-read shelf, instead of reading the synopsis). 2. Stop participating in review-based blog tours unless I already wanted to read the book before I received the email about it. 3. Stop entering giveaways of books I don’t actually really want to read (I stopped doing this a while ago because if I win then I just have another book on my shelf that I feel obligated to read, plus I took the chance to win away from someone who might have REALLY wanted to read it!). 4. Make time to read books I bought ages ago and haven’t had the chance to read yet. And 5. Relax and have fun blogging — that’s why we started blogging, wasn’t it? Because it was fun?

    Anyway, that was a long response — haha. But, I got to the point where I just didn’t feel like reading/reviewing/blogging anymore. And that really sucked. I feel better about it now. Though, I still have some promised reviews that I have to finish up before I’m completely out of the water. Once those are all taken care of, I can’t wait because then I can just relax and read the books sitting on my bookshelf! So, good luck and have fun with your decision. It will be worth it! πŸ™‚

    Sam recently posted: To Finish or Not to Finish?
  10. I’ve never once requested an arc, and this is exactly why. I don’t want to feel obligated to read a book or publish a review at a certain time, so I don’t get myself that stress. Plus, I already own plenty of books to read that I rather work through. So for me, the relationship has never begun because I’m not interested. I understand why bloggers love arcs and how they can be used to show off or show status in the blogosphere, but to me that isn’t important. πŸ™‚

    Asti (A Bookish Heart) recently posted: Bookish Recap: July 1st – 6th
  11. I’m relatively new to this blogging thing and I have already decided to stop requesting things from Netgalley (at least for a little while) However I am still at the point where ARC’s still excite me and whether I win one or request one from the publisher or have a request sent directly to me I don’t feel inundated yet.Probably because I have nothing to do all day due to a recent health issue.

    So I am not really feeling any sort of ARC pressure just yet. Maybe that will change & maybe it won’t. I guess we’ll see.

    Alexia recently posted: Stacking the Shelves #2
  12. This is why I avoid reviews before I read a book. I respect your choice not to take ARC’s and it stinks to not love one. I’m seeing a trend where professional reviewers have lost the ability to have an authentic reading experience. This is similar to looking at a Rotten Tomatoes review and comparing the critic review to the audience review. There’s usually a wide gap in scores. Critics and consumers want and see completely different stories while taking in the same material.

    Regardless, reading is best done for joy. I think you made a wise choice.

  13. I agree with you, there is a lot of pressure to review arcs. I find I have a ton of arcs “piling up” digitally that I don’t end up having time to get to before the book releases. The other issue I have is the bound arc books. I’ve won quite a few recently but I don’t know what to do with them after I’ve read them. Who wants the arc when the book is already out? Is there any where to donate them? It feels wrong to throw them away (eek!). Any ideas? What do you do with your bound arcs when you are done with them?

    Julie S. recently posted: Falling Into You Review
    1. Girl-Send those ARCs over here!!! I’m so jealous of all you book bloggers getting free books thrown at you. Maybe that’s why I can’t completely relate to this post. But I DNF anything I can’t get into. Life’s too short for a terrible read.

    2. Julie, I have read that you can donate ARCs to libraries, that sometimes they use them to give to teens who participate in programs and may not otherwise be able to have a book that is all their own. I think that would especially be cool if you have read it fairly early before release – then the teen has a chance to read it early still too. But no matter when it is, I think it would be much appreciated! In fact, at my library you can donate ARCs that they then sell for a very nominal fee of $1.00 – it helps raise money for them and the patrons are happy cause they get early or brand-new books! Just a thought πŸ™‚

  14. I get quite a few ARC’s and if after 100 pages it ain’t working I simply tell publisher, author etc why it wasn’t and move on. Life is too short, my tbr pile is to large and I read for the joy of reading. They are actually very happy to hear my thoughts and I no longer feel guilty. The first one I did I panicked but thankfully it was directly with a publisher and she wrote back telling me it happens, and made the experience good for me.

    1. That’s a good idea! I always feel impressible for reading and reviewing the entire book but I really should just DNF, tell the publisher, and move on. Like yours my TBR pile is to long to mess around with books I don’t like…

  15. I go through phases– sometimes I HATE ARCs/review books and so I’ll stop requesting them/accepting them/etc. And I’ll just read my own books or books from the library and it’ll be a lot of fun! But then, eventually…I want that shiny new book. And maybe the library isn’t going to get it or maybe I just wanna put it on my Kindle or something, so I’ll request it on NetGalley and then the FLOOD WILL UNLEASH. I must have ALL THE BOOKS.

    And then I’ll get overwhelmed and I won’t want to read anything and then I’ll remember why I stopped requesting books for review! And so the cycle starts again.

    I think the point is I need to have a balance between new/review books and old/my own books. ALSO that going to events like BEA can be awesome because you’ll get a lot of books all at once and you don’t have to feel guilty about not reading them because a) you basically bought them by going to the event anyway and b) you didn’t request them from somebody specific so that person’s eyes aren’t piercing into you every time you turn away from reading that one book (for example).

    Anastasia @ Here There Be Books recently posted: Currently Reading (July 7): Countdown City / Rags & Bones
  16. I went through this same thing some time back and didn’t request anything for probably nine month (although I still got a ton of ARCs appearing on my doorstep!).
    Now I’m requesting them again, and I’m pretty selective in what I request. I think part of it is, I’m a little YA’d out, so I’m looking to NG and EW for some adult romance ARCs to cleanse my palette, and refresh my reading.
    I used to feel a lot of pressure from ARCs, and to an extent, I still do (to read and review), but I don’t feel pressure anymore when it comes to rating them. I’m reading and blogging for other readers, not the pubs. They’re getting (almost) free publicity because of bloggers like us, so whether it’s a good or bad review, it’s still a review and I’m not going to feel bad if I didn’t like the book.

    Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog recently posted: The Sunday Post
  17. I’ve been feeling the same way lately. I haven’t signed up for any more blog tours. I’m going to work on reading through my big TBR pile at home, use my library more and pretty much read what I want when I want to. I do have some ARCs that are past due, but life threw some curve balls, so I’m not no track. This made me realize that ARCs aren’t everything. I will still read them, but they will just have to happen at my own pace. *sigh*

    Love this post!

    Chrystal @ Snowdrop Dreams of Books recently posted: 2013 Canaidan Reading Challenge
  18. I completely agree with you!!! I have way to many books to review, and I hate feeling obligated to read them… Like you said, I may not be in the mood for them when the release date comes around and that just isn’t fair to the author if I give a book a negative review because I just wasn’t in the mood for it… So I have recently made a pact (with myself) that I will not request any more unless I’m positive I will want to read them (like a book in a series I love).
    BTW I love your blog, it is definitely one of my favorites!!!

    Stacy (StacyHgg) recently posted: Books I Want To Read So Effin BAD!
  19. There was a time when I used to bite off more than I could chew when it came to ARCs. Now, I’m pretty good at not going too crazy. I don’t browse NG or Edelweiss too often but when I see someone tweet about a book I’m interested in (or by an author I enjoy reading) that’s on NG, I find myself requesting the book.

    Brianna (The Book Vixen) recently posted: My Bookish Wants & Gots (29)
  20. I completely understand where you’re coming from! I had this dilemma a few months ago and I made the same decision you did. I still receive some ARCs that are unsolicited, but I don’t feel as bad setting those aside to get through the books I’m really excited for :). Plus if you have an amazing library, you’ll be able to read everything you want to anyway! I might get back into reading advanced copies again, but for now I’m pretty happy. Do what makes you happy!

    Jessica @ Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile recently posted: Sunday Post / In My Mailbox (4)
  21. When Harper sent me 8 ARCs, dang, my excitement and gratitude sky rocketed! I loveee getting ARCs!! I don’t get them automatically unless I request. I know some of you guys are like mail listed so ARCs are arriving at your doorstep w/o requesting. And I don’t know, I didn’t feel pressure at all. I was able to review them on time, though I haven’t read 3 out of 8 because I still have to get the sequels of these series. I think I would be fascinated and thrilled with ARCs for a long time. πŸ™‚

  22. I agree with what a lot of people are saying~ gotta do what’s best for you. I’m prob the WORST book blogger ever because I often don’t feel like reading an ARC or don’t finish it… I’ve never felt any pressure. They aren’t paying us to read them. Sure they gave us a free copy, but they also gave a bunch to other people. Not everyone is going to have time to read them, even if they did request, because life happens. I’ve often DNF’ed ARC’s that I didn’t like and just told the publisher. I figure that it’s best to be honest (what they ASK us to do).

    Honestly, I feel like there’s a lot more competition between bloggers to get ARC’s, like they make you special, over pressure from publishers to read and review them.

    And I bet they even like negative reviews because they stir the pot up a bit πŸ˜‰

    I think the thing that I dislike about ARC’s THE MOST is that after I’ve read it I have to wait for all my friends to buy a copy in a few months and then I have almost no one to talk to about it AND I have to wait extra long for the next one…

    river recently posted: Contemporary Summer Fling
  23. I can totally understand where you’re coming from but for me, I’m also very excited to delve in deeper as a blogger and work with publishers because I do eventually want to go into the publishing industry. This is something I actually want to do and experience and I’m just starting to request ARCs from publishers. I think the key to managing ARCs is to not overwhelm yourself with them, I know how easy it is to click ‘request’ and then be loaded with a bunch of ARCs. So I’ve decided to just only request ARCs I really want to read. ARCs do stress me out but I enjoy reviewing them and receiving them so I guess it really is to each their own πŸ™‚

    Charlotte @ Gypsy Reviews recently posted: Review: The Peculiar by Stefan Bachmann (#65)
  24. I haven’t got all that many paper ARCs, so they’re still exciting to me. I’ve only requested about 15 total, ever, and have only received probably 4 or 5 of those. So yeah, they’re still shiny to me (what can I say, I can be a bit materialistic baha)! But eARCs, however, I’m starting to feel the same way. I have SO many, especially ones that are from Harper because I’m auto-approved, which is both a curse and a blessing. I hate feeling obligated to read anything, and because I’m such a moody reader, something I neeeeed to read RIGHT NOW may not hold that same appeal in a month. And I feel like I HAVE to read them and post them before their release date, so then if I’m running late I can’t read what I really want to read. Plus, I feel pressure to actually finish the books! There’s been so many I started and couldn’t get into, but still feel obligated to get back to eventually. *sigh*

    Jessi @ Auntie Spinelli Reads recently posted: Viral Nation Blog Tour: Interview With Shaunta Grimes
    1. YES! Those Harper books on Edelweiss! Honestly, I think that’s what pulled me under. I’ve always been GREAT about keeping up good statistics on NetGalley. My percentage of books reviewed (out of requested) is always about 90% or higher, which I think is pretty good. But then Harper came in with their awesome Edelweiss books and that was my downfall.

      I think the big problem there is that so many of Harper’s recent books have not been good… I got so excited reading the blurbs, but then I kept reading negative reviews and suddenly I didn’t want to read any of the books anymore. >_< So now I'm drowning in unread Edelweiss ARCs. ARRRGHHH.

    I don’t remember the last time I requested an ARC. Although I did make an exception for Sweet Peril a couple of months ago. I feel bad for the ARC’s I get and I try to find them new homes but at the same time I don’t want to pay shipping to send them off. Plus going to the post office is such a pain in the ass.
    I read what I want (unless it’s for a tour and I don’t sign up unless I was already planning on reading the book). This makes me a much happier blogger instead of being grumpy and unhappy trying to force myself to read a book I don’t want to.

    1. LOL I totally agree with you about the post office. I’m so lazy and it’s such a hassle. XD I still have to mail some giveaway books. πŸ™

  26. I totally get you here, and I may feel like this someday, but I’m not there yet. The pressure of all the ARCs, solicited especially but unsolicited as well, can be a bit overwhelming.

    However, I really do suck at picking books to read and I’m a really indecisive reader when I choose for myself, picking up and abandoning a big pile of books before settling on one, which slows down my reading and frustrates me. I just came up with a system to give myself a free read, and I gave up on it, because I couldn’t decide what to read. *goes to shame corner*

    So, basically, I hate that I’m not reading books I know are good or books I own, but I also love how much more reading I do with the schedule to keep me going and how it removes me being such a moody reader. I’m weird, though, and I know this.

    Christina (A Reader of Fictions) recently posted: Review: Countdown City
  27. ARCs sound like such a horrible burden. >_< I don't know how so many of you deal with them! I mean… FREE BOOKS, YAY! But… pressure. No. πŸ™ Feeling like I *have* to read something would take most, if not all, of the fun out of it for me. And omgosh the reviews from blogger friends! I would have to avoid those completely until I read it myself.

    Leanne @ Literary Excursion recently posted: Reading Retroscpection: A Monster Calls
    1. Yeah the free books part is awesome. But I don’t like feeling like I HAVE to read something. It’s sort of a love/hate thing. πŸ™

  28. Great post, Ashley! You’ve seen me doing my Becoming A Better Blogger series and my ARCs info post so you know I definitely feel the pressure. I think that’s my biggest peeve when it comes to ARCs. I’m like you – I want them all at first, and then I’m like “whyyyyy.” I’ve been requesting a lot less, which is helping my sanity.

  29. Under pressure! Yes, I hate feeling like I have to read something! Even if it’s something that I requested! I think you’ve made a wise decision. Luckily I agree I don’t feel the pressure to read those books from BEA either. I think I’m going to be even more choosey going forward about what I request and not buy into all the hype. I’ve been so good this year by mixing in my old books with my new books and it has made me read even faster! I usually get this big funk after I finish one book when trying to decide what to read next because I look at my calendar spreadsheet and think “these are what I’m supposed to read” but what are you in the MOOD for. So the guilt is there but ultimately – those publishers have SO many people reviewing these books. If I read something when I’m not in the mood for that then I won’t enjoy it at all. I hope you have a good ARC breakup! But I’m sure those ARCs will be crawling back into your bed soon *evil laughter*

  30. I adore ARCs. And that’s in no small part because I live from paycheque to paycheque and can rarely afford to acually buy the books I want to read. ARCs are often the only way that I get new reading material these days. And I love knowing that there’s an awesome book waiting for me, and it hasn’t even been published yet, and I get to read it in advance and know all the cool stuff in the story and that makes me squeeful.

    But I definitely get where you’re coming from. My review blog actually went on hiatus at the beginning of the year due to book burn-out. My ARC list was getting no smaller, and I felt that I was obligated to read them before all others, which made me feel guilty because there were other books I wanted to read, and in the end I just felt too overwhelmed to enjoy anything I read. So I took a 3-month break, read what I wanted when I wanted, and felt amazingly better for it. No pressure to read ARCs first, because hey, it would be months before I even got to write up a review, so what did it matter? That break did wonders for me, and I felt so refreshed after taking it.

    But ARCs are a double-edged sword, no doubt about it. They’re an awesome privilege and perk, but they do come with a sense of obligation and responsibility, even if 99% of publishers understand that you may not actually get around to reviewing what you requested. But I still love ’em, and what I’ve gained through them. Even if I never got another ARC for the rest of my reviewing career, the ones I’ve gotten so far have opened doors for me that might have remained closed otherwise, and I’m very thankful for that.

    Bibliotropic recently posted: Top 10 Books Read in the 1st Half of 2013
  31. I used to stress over ARC’s> Mostly because of what you said – I delay reading for closer to the release date and lose interest.

    I started a rule of only accepting two ARC’s at a time. I keep a post-it on my computer screen with the title and release date. I don’t request another book until the book has been read and I’ve written a review.

    This seems to be working for me and stops me from biting off more than I can chew – or read as the case may be.

    I’m also just trying to read what I have already instead of getting even more books that I don’t have time for.

  32. Ashley! This post basically summed up everything that I was feeling. I’ve decided to not request as many ARCs either. This also gives you the freedom to read as much as you want instead of quickly forging through all those release dates. I never knew how exhausted I was before. Compare my books from last year to this year, there’s such a huge difference. I’m also less stressed. You’re so right that you feel obligated to love the books. Sometimes I also get a knot in my stomach when I send a book to the publisher with a low rating. I feel bad myself. There’s also so many other books to read and I also understand that sometimes you don’t want to read a contemporary when that fantasy book is calling to you. Great post!

    Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada recently posted: Review: Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza
  33. I stopped accepting ARCs last summer, and I’ve never accepted ebooks (I don’t like reading on a screen, longer than a blog post, but I’m sure I’ll eventually move into the 21st century with a Kindle or something, to survive trips at the very least). I also cut WAY back on book tours; I’ll only accept them if I’m 99% sure I’ll love or at least like the book, and can post on time. My life is very unpredictable right now, and while given time to actually sit and read for an hour or two a day, I can pack away 1-3 books a week, easy, there are easily times where I am lucky to read 1-3 books the entire month. So I finally stopped killing myself (both with too many books, and all the shame of being perpetually behind on my commitments), and set a few rules for myself: 1) Only accept a book I’m super excited to read. 2) Only accept finished (retail-ready) physical copies of books. 3) Tell my contacts up front that I have an “up to” 4 month turn around time, unless otherwise agreed in writing, and that I only commit to interviews or giveaways once I know I can happily endorse a book. I currently have around 70 books from 2011-2013 that I thought I could read when I became a mom, only to crash and burn – I’m working my way through them. In the meantime, in order to keep my blog actually relevant, I have a much smaller stack of current work that I trade off reading with the old stuff (normally around 5-10 books, but closer to 30 right now because 2 car accidents and several rounds of illness in a 4 month period destroyed my reading schedule). I’m about to launch my rebranded lifestyle blog and a brand new book blog (split the two from one previous blog, basically) on Monday, and I’m super excited! I’m hoping to be totally caught up with current titles by the time school starts in the fall, and done with the backed up copies by 2016. And honestly? I won’t read every single one of them. How could I? I’m not the same person (or have the same interests) I was (had) three and four years ago. So whatever doesn’t get read gets donated to the library. But I’m going to try to read them all, because it’s my fault I screwed up, not the publishers’ or authors’.

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