A new year is the perfect time for a new theme. A new face, a new design, a fresh start.
I want to help you achieve this so I’m giving away WordPress themes to two lucky people! You’ll get a brand new design that will help you start off 2015 in style.
Two lucky people will get to choose any theme from my shop and I’ll give it to them for FREE!
The fine print
Please make sure you read these details before entering.
- There are no country restrictions. This is giveaway is open internationally.
- You must have a self-hosted WordPress.org site in order to use these themes.
- Please do not paste your email in the comment box.
- Your details will not be shared or distributed to any third parties.
- If the winner does not respond within 48 hours of being contacted, I may select a new winner.
Thank you for the generous giveaway Ashley.
Happy New Year!
My pleasure! Happy new year.
If i won, i’d choose one of your new skins for the TMv2 theme

An excellent choice!
I really hope I win, I need a new theme.
Good luck!
Oh WOW! I would definitely pick Tweak Me 2! Or… maybe Eliza haha. This is a very generous and lovely giveaway Ashley, thank you for the opportunity
Happy New Year!
Both good choices!
Good luck and happy new year!
How fun!! Thanks so much and Happy New Year!!
Btw I love the TM theme so Id prob want to upgrade to the TMv2
You’d love TMv2!
Aw, this is an amazing thing that you are doing and I hope that you have a wonderful New Year and I wish you lots of luck and success.
Thanks so much Suz!
Happy new year and good luck in the giveaway!
You’re welcome hun! I just think it’s amazing that you are being so generous to do this. <3
I don’t have a self-hosted site yet, but it’s at the top of my 2015 Blogging Resolutions list! If I won I would definitely pick the Tweak Me theme so I could customize it to my heart’s content. I would also probably use what I would have spent on the theme to have you do a custom header for me
Thank you so much for having such a generous giveaway! Happy New Year!
Moving to self-hosted would be a great step forward! There are so many extra options when you host everything yourself.
Happy new year Diana!
I’d probably pick Tweak Me V2 because I love the first one so much. But I don’t know. It’s so hard to choose. They’ll all so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway Ashley and have a Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Super Ashley! This is such a sweet thing you’re doing here
As for what I would choose, well…maybe Texturize. Or Painterly. Or Eliza. Maybe even Charlotte. LOL! Thanks so much for the chance <3
I’m thinking either Tweak Me or Charlotte or Sideways. So many choices! Thank you for your generosity to the winner.
Awesome giveaway! It couldn’t come at a better time, as I just moved to self-hosted. I would choose Tweak Me v2!! So excited, and even if I don’t win, I’ll probably buy it soon:-) Thank you!
I have Tweak Me so I thin I would choose Tweak Me V.2. Thanks for the giveaway!
Such a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity Ashley! I’d have to go with the TMv2 or Eliza. But then again all are so lovely.
This is awesome. Thank you for this opportunity. I think I would choose Tweak Me v2.
Hi Ashley, I’m actually kind of ‘rebranding’ my book blog and I’m launching it in the next few days. This theme giveaway has come in a timely manner.
Thanks for holding it!
Yay! Great giveaway! I would get Tweak Me v2 BUT I ALREADY BOUGHT IT! Haha. I know I can find something else in your store though
Maybe some of these skins you speak of… Yay! (I already said that…)
This is such an awesome thing to do! I would enter but I’m still very satisfied with Tweak Me! Good luck to all those who enter!
Great giveway! I would love to win! Thanks for the chance.
I love your Tweak Me theme, so I’d most likely go for the new one. This is so nice of you to do!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Happy Holidays!
This is an awesome giveaway Ashley! I’ve been wanting to change my theme but I have zero coding skills. So if I win, I’ll probably choose Eliza or Tweak Me v2!
I’d probably choose either Wonderland or Tweak Me – both are beautiful!
By the way, happy new year! Have a fantabulous 2015!!
Thanks for the giveaway! I love Seaside serenade, better than the other one. It’s so pleasant to look at.
Oh what a wonderful giveaway! I’ve been wondering on how to redesign my blog for the new year for days now. Your new Tweak Me theme is gorgeous btw. Hope you had a happy new year!
I’d probably pick the Chloe theme. I love handwriting as headings and subheadings, but I can’t achieve that with my free WP theme (and I don’t know ANY coding at all), so I think I’d love this one! Thanks for the giveaway, Ashley!
This is such a generous giveaway Ashley. I figured I would enter it.
I would choose either Charlotte or Tweak Me v2. Thank you for the chance!
Thank you for the giveaway! Winning one of your themes would be pretty awesome. I’d probably get Tweak Me or Eliza.
I was wondering if you’re going to host a sale, and then I found out that you’re giving them away instead! Thanks a mil, Ashley!
Thanks for the giveaway! I would probably pick Tweak Me v2 or Eliza.
Thank you for this giveaway! I would definitely go for the Tweak Me v2 or the Sideways theme because that one looks amazing too! And a happy new year! ^^
Happy New Year! Thanks for the giveaway! I really like Eliza and would love to win it!
Thanks so much for your generosity! Happy New Year!
I have been eyeing the TMv2 theme and some of the skins for awhile now. Would love to win this!
Awesome giveaway! I’m entering for my best friend.
I’d love to win one of your themes. They are all gorgeous! I want to start blogging again soon (already have a domain but no design yet) so this would be perfect. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!
I’d have to think about it, because I recently bought the Tweak Me v2 theme with the discount because I also have the first version. Maybe for my other website I’d like Eliza or Chloe.
You are SO generous, Ashley!
Thanks for the faaabulous giveaway!
I would definitely choose Tweak Me 2…it came out literally days after I bought the first one so I’ve been holding out on installing TM1 until I can re-save the money.
Thank you for this amazing contest! Your designs are simply stunning!
Thank you so much for this! If I could choose Tweak Me 2 or Vintage Flowers
Thank you Ashley! So nice of you to host this giveaway and I love reading your blog posts on blogging tips as they helped me a lot in becoming a better blogger. Happy new year and best wishes to you and your family!
I do so hope I win, because this is the year I want to redesign my blog! *crosses my fingers* But thank you for this amazing giveaway, Ashley!
This is such a great giveaway – thanks for having it! All the themes are gorgeous, but I’d probably go with Tweak Me since it’s so versatile.
I’ve been toying with the idea of migrating to WP. This would be my kick in the pants to do so! I love the Tweak Me theme. Thanks!
I’d probably use Tweak me or Chloe. Both are so cute!
It’s pretty awesome that you’re doing this! I’d probably go with Eliza. It’s really pretty, whimsical and feminine!
I have a lot of things that don’t work correctly in my blog, I would love to start fresh.
I’ve been planning on moving from Blogger to WP soon, and when I do, I’m going to use Tweak Me v2!
Thanks for the giveaway. Happy new year to you and your family!
Thank you so much for the generous and awesome giveaway. I already have my eyes on the theme that I would love to have on my blog.
I already have one of your themes on my blog. But this one would be perfect for right now !!!
Oh, this is so exciting! I hope I win.
Thanks so much for offering this! Hope I win…
I would choose Tweak2! I love the simplicity of it.
I would chose Tweak Me v2 though I do love Eliza as well. Tweak Me v2 because of all the available options and the fact that you will be making new skins for it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for this great and amazing opportunity. If I had to pick, I guess I would go with the Tweak Me theme. I have noticed it on various blogs and I really like how different and unique it is for each blog.
Whoa! Just as I figured out that the theme I had been using was sorta broken, you’re hosting a giveaway. I would pick Tweak Me v2
I love the Tweak Me design! Handy and customisable
Thanks for the lovely giveaway, so generous!
this is so generous of you Ashely. even tho i just bought one of your themes, if i could i’d pick the Tweak Me V2. :))
Thank you for the giveaway! The themes are gorgeous
I would go for Tweak 2. I love that awesome template. It is minimal and elegant. Thanks for the giveaway.
I think the Tweak Me would be great. So many possibilities.
Tweakv2 would be my top choice, but if I was purchasing I would have to go with Sideways or Texturize due to budget restrictions. Life happened and ruined my plans for big upgrades.
The Tweak Me v2 Theme is super adorbs! It’s minimalistic, but still packs a punch! Amazing work <3
Woah, all of these themes are gorgeous <3 Thanks for the giveaway
OMG! We are using Tweak Me v1 for about a year now and we are stil in love with it!
We want to upgrade it to v2 to tweak our layout even more.
What a great giveaway!
Ooooh the hardest part would be choosing! I’ve been wanting Tweak Me v2, so I think I’d choose that. But I love Seaside and Wonderland, too.
This is a fantastic giveaway. I woud choose TMv2 or Vintage Flowers
Ah! I’m late to comment
I’d love to have Tweak Me v2 so that I can create a snazzy new design with this awesome theme for the relaunch of my new blog!
TWEAK ME 2 IS AWESOME. Well it looks like it ;D Thanks Ashley!!
Hey Ashley,
Just submitted my entry…YAY!

(May be) I’ll win this content. I don’t know why but I have feelings that I’ll be the winner
By the way superb giveaway.
Look forward hope will win this contest
This is one Awesome Giveaway! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Well if I could, I’d get the Tweak Me Theme v2. It’s perfect for people that suck at coding, love beautiful designs, and want to go crazy customizing. That said, from the pre-made themes, my favorite is Eliza. I like how elegant and stylish it looks.
Your themes are delightful so it’s almost impossible to choose! However, I’d probably go with either Seaside Serenade, Tweak Me or Painterly.
By the way, thank you for this generous giveaway!
Oh – and I forgot to answer why… Well, my reason being for the Seaside Serenade theme would be that I read a lot of my books on the beach, and I could bring that calm, relaxing feeling into my blog while making it the slightest bit more personal, too! My reason for the other two is that they are simply so beautiful!
Very cool giveaway! I love the UBB plugin and have been kicking around getting a custom header, so having a new theme would be a cool start!
I would pick the Sideways theme. Thanks so much for the giveaway. I hope I win, I’m just starting a blog (not ready yet) and this would be perfect.